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Community Services Emergency Aid program provides immediate relief in the form of food and clothing to individuals and families who are struggling with limited income or a recent emergency. When families experience an unexpected emergency, they are often faced with the decision to pay the bills or put food on the table. Hundreds of families come through our doors each year seeking emergency aid; no one is turned away.

Our supermarket-style food pantries are located in both Oil City and Rocky Grove. Our compassionate staff escorts individuals as they shop for a two-day supply of groceries, adjusted to household size. Eligible residents may use the emergency food pantries once a month.

Our Mobile Food Pantry is available to rural locations throughout Venango County.


  • 450 Families Served; over 1,000 individuals this month.
  • Conveniently located
  • Wide range of food goods available

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"We are a diverse household. My father lives with us, as well as our two children and one grandchild, bringing the household total to six. Even though my husband works full time, and I work part-time, feeding everyone gets expensive. The items we get from the food bank are an extra help to lighten the load. I know things won't always be this way, but it sure is wonderful to have you in our back pocket."

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Spirit of Giving

November 1st, 2024
2024 Spirit of Giving sign-ups are open!

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